Friday, December 31, 2010

Capstone, Stages, Closing, Christmas Crazies and Resolutions

As 2010 winds down and closes out, I thought I'd take a moment of reflection and pontificate on the goings on of my year. And it has been a year. A lot has happened and some of it certainly deserves mentioning.

#1 Capstone

I know I've already blogged about this, but I'm gonna do it again. It is THAT important! In the spring, I finished work for my MLS (Masters of Library Science) and the final piece of the degree is Capstone. A massive, frightening, potentially harmful test that scares the bejeezus out of all graduate students. For that week, I was a paper writing machine, staying away from work and everything else in my life, totally devoted to my iMac and the three in-depth research papers I was to write. It all turned out fine (CHEERS!) and I am now able to say, "Yes, I have a Masters degree." Sadly, this is not as impressive as a feat as I had hoped seeing as how lots of people have Masters and many jobs want more than a Masters, but nonetheless, I was thrilled. I could have opted out of walking the stage, but heck no! Which brings me to exciting moment #2...

#2 Stages

For the third time in my educational life, I walked across a stage following a great deal of work. They say the third time's a charm, and I agree. I was happy to finish high school, thrilled to graduate from college, and proud to finish graduate school. It took half the time to complete, but I think it meant more because I know I put in a great deal more effort and hard work. Oh, and I didn't fall on my face either. :) And seeing my Dusty out there smiling at me, really made it even that much more special. And the not falling on the face thing too...super special.

#3 Closing

Dusty and I tend to be behind the norm when it comes to milestones in a married life. It's the way we've always worked and we're okay with it. We were both late in finishing school, late in moving out of the "apartment phase" of our lives, usually fall asleep before the ball drops at midnight, and no we haven't even begun to consider kids. But, this year we did reach an important milestone. We are homeowners. After a great deal of negotiation, nail biting, and phone calls we signed our lives away under a small mountain of paperwork. We own a home. It's not very big, but it's cozy and homey and ours. Best part? The backyard! It's massive and Naia loves it. Seeing her running around happy (and later collapsing in a tired heap) warms my heart.

#4 Christmas Crazies

I think it's because the memories are so fresh in my mind, but the Christmas holiday will be one I remember for quite a while. Remember our little house mentioned in #3 big moment above? Well, it was at capacity for a week. Dusty + Alicia + Naia + Gifford + Oakley + Austin + Mom-in-law = very full and happy home. We all bunked in together, some sleeping on couches and blow up mattresses, but all happy to be together. After all, what's Christmas for if not for squeezing together with the ones you love!?

Who's Austin you ask? Well, he's the 2-year old that was here for the holidays, Giff's boy. He's more than precious, but he's...well...he's 2. And that was a huge change for Dusty and me. But a good one I think. It's good to see what life's like "on the other side" so to speak. I colored, played Peek-a-Boo, played with Play-Doh, threw a football in the front yard, and ran cars in the hallway. It was greatness!

Don't get any ideas friends. As mentioned in #3, Dusty and I haven't even begun to consider a 2-year old of our very own. Hush up now...

Oh...and for your puppy enjoyment...enjoy the following examples of Christmas Craziness. I love these pups!

#5 Resolutions

I wrote about New Year's Resolutions last year. Basically, I was against locking myself into a crazy resolution that I would only later feel badly for not reaching. Well, I stand by that, but I want to add a little extra importance to the idea of resolution making. In 2011, I resolve to do just one thing...TRY. Just try! Try to do things better for myself and try to be the best I can be. Making an effort is all we can really promise to do right? It seems that if we promise to try, we can't be disappointed. At least we tried! This is not a free pass to slack off and say, "Well, I tried!" No ma'am! (Remember this know you're the absolute worst with traditional resolutions).

Well friends, 2011 is on its way out. I hope it was a tremendously wonderful year for you and your family and I wish the same for you in the new year.

Much love!

Alicia :D

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