Saturday, February 5, 2011


#34 The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson (Book 3 Millennium series)

I'm thrilled to say...I finished the Millennium Trilogy!! What a wild ride! I think this was my favorite of all three. It was the one I had the hardest time putting down. And I got very lucky since I was finishing it during my 4 unexpected snow days this past week. What a perfect time to cuddle up with crazed killers, corrupt police officers, and vicious lawyers. :)

This third book begins the same moment the second ends. Salander and Blomkvist continue as the main characters, but the story does spread wider to include many more big players. The reader gets to learn much more about Salander's (twisted) family and the injustices done to her thanks to her terrible father. And as all great crime stories, the books ends with a great trial scene. Be aware! The action truly doesn't stop until the very bitter end. I hate to give much more than that away dear readers. If you have gotten this far into the series, you absolutely must finish with this third book.

I admit, I forgot many of the character's names and roles in the story (there were so many!) and had to just keep reading. I was worried that I wouldn't get the story, but it ended up being okay. If I was to offer a suggestion to serious readers, keep track of the characters' names on a piece of paper. It's hard to remember them all.

Sidenote: I utilize my public library system as often as possible and try hard not to spend money on books, but this one had 22 people waiting ahead of me. There was no way I could wait that long. The book is only available in hardback at this point (at least $20), so I took the plunge and spent the $9.99 on the Kindle version. Shoutout to my Kindle! Love you!

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