Saturday, October 16, 2010

100 Book Challenge

Hello dear friends!

One of the coolest parts of earning a MLS, besides the obvious fact that library science is just plain awesome all on its own, is that you are privy to many cool websites and blogs. I am a member of a sweet listserv and found a fellow librarian's blog where she was inspired to start a book challenge for herself and her students. The challenge is to read 100 books by the end of the school year. She posts her books on her blog along with a quick review of each one. I'm sure you join me in asking, "How awesome is this??" I of course had to jump at the chance myself! I'm in the process of talking with my school librarian into doing something like this with our student body, but I'm certainly going to try it too. So, you may look forward to many a book review and many a book cover on Montgomery Musings. I will warn you, I am a huge YA lit lover so most of my titles will be from that genre, but I do throw in an occasional big girl book now and then. It should go without saying that I am extending the challenge to you as well! Join me and share what you're reading as I can always use a new book on my nightstand.

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