Monday, September 6, 2010

Just R-E-L-A-X already!

Here I sit friends, on a lovely Labor Day, thrilled to have had a 3-day weekend, and bored out of my mind! This leads me to a realization I recently had about myself. I have a really hard time just doing nothing! This is the first time in 2 1/2 years that I only have one job, and I feel pretty competent taking care of that job during the week leaving my weekends free. Isn't that what everyone wants? Now, I have no homework to do, no extensive reading assignments, and (thankfully), no papers to write. So, what the H is my problem? Isn't that what I worked so hard to accomplish? Sheesh!!

My other half has absolutely no problem laying in bed watching movie after movie (after movie...after movie) enjoying a lazy day, but I get stir crazy. I can usually make it through one and I have to get up and find something to do. So, my weeds have been weeded, my dog played with, my computer's software updated, toenails painted, current celebrity gossip read, laundry done and put up, and my kitchen is clean. I did bring papers home to grade, but let's not get carried away people.

So, I'm using my blog post here to announce to the world that I, Alicia Montgomery, am too wound up and need to R-E-L-A-X! How do I do this? Clearly laying in bed watching movies (kill me) doesn't do it and if I get too bored, I start eating junk food (double kill me), and surfing around on always gets me in trouble.

Here is a list of ideas I have in an effort to ward off the boredom monster. Cast your vote for your fave!

1. Learn the Hoedown Throwdown using Youtube videos
2. Checkout more CDs from the library to load into iTunes
3. Eradicate all dust bunnies (bleh...scratch this one)
4. Get a coloring book and decorate the bare walls in the house!
5. Search for new pictures of Robert Pattinson (stalker!!)
6. Rewrite Eminem's latest CD so it is grammatically correct and student friendly
7. Make up other blog sites for my other personalities
8. Attempt to learn all the Glee songs
9. Figure out a way to get into the Guinness Book of World Records
10. Paint my dog's toenails so they match mine