Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Perfect Journal

I can't be the only one to make such a deal about finding The Perfect Journal right?  One of our first assignments for Teachers Write 2013 was to get a journal and use it.  As much as possible.  Well, this is not something I take lightly.  I am a rule follower and a good student so I ran out last night to find a special journal with just the right feel.  This is important...The Feel of it.  To many people, a journal is just a bunch of lined pages (or plain or gridded) bound together.  To those people I say, "Nay sir, nay." A journal that has the destiny to hold my thoughts, feelings, doodles, lists, MASH games (product of the 80s) is a special find indeed and not some pithy item to be taken lightly.  Am I being pretentious?  Do I think a bit too much of my own thoughts, feelings, doodles and such?  Absolutely not!  Everyone should feel this way about his/her journal.  When I was in the classroom, my students had journals and I encouraged them to decorate them and make them theirs!  Why would anyone want to spill their guts to some ole pieces of bound paper you don't care about?  I mean come on!

So, back to Barnes & Noble.  Keep up with me friends!

I find the "journal/sketch book/address book section of B&N and just started looking.  I find the best thing to do, to save a little time, is to already have the features you personally require in mind.  For me, I typically need a spiral book with lined pages, but not too wide or skinny lines.  I don't want to have to write uncomfortably tiny just to stay within the lines (which I always do), no do I want to feel like I need to fatten up my cursive to fit.  This is not an exact science here, but it's necessary to the process.  Also, the cover can't be completely plain, because I do want to get happy when I see my journal.  I want to want to write in it otherwise, what the heck's the point?  But I don't want a design that's too trendy (sorry, but I won't be picking a journal with a mustache on the front) that I know I'll be sick of looking at after a month.  No offense to the Queen, but "Keep Calm and Carry On" just isn't right for me either.  

Secondly, stand back and scan the books.  Does anything immediately pop out?  Does a certain journal cover speak to you?  Is there a design that you know you won't tire of looking at during you and your journal's relationship?  Is there a quote on the front that truly speaks to you?  Are there enough pages to keep you coming back to your book for a while or are there so many it won't be comfortable to hold the book in your lap?  Do you need a book that will fit in your purse or do you just have a big ass purse and this isn't an issue?  See, there are just so many things to consider!  Moleskin, environmentally friendly, handmade, leather bound, little stretchy closing band, a Vera Bradley design to match your favorite bag, Ryan Gosling?  Wha....Ryan...huh?  Yes, I found a Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" journal.  Don't think I didn't think about it  for a whole half sec.  Sorry Ryan...I don't know you well enough to entrust you with my thoughts.  And also, I don't want to look like a 16 year old girl if I ever take my journal out in front of anyone.  But I love you!  The Notebook...xoxo  Don't forget that k?  Call me!  

Do you see now why it took me about 40 minutes to find what I needed?  It goes without saying that husbands (or significant others) are not likely welcome on this journey.  Mine sure wasn't.  Just like most men I know, he would have walked in, looked for paper stuck between two pages, and left.  That boy needs help.  I know.  

You're likely dying with anticipation at this point asking yourself, "Well, what did she find?  Will she show us a picture?"  Yes friends, I trust you.  Here is what I purchased:

I know what you're thinking!  "Um, Alicia...there are 3 books there.  What's up?"  Okay, well I have a reason.  Kate Messner suggested in her assignment on Monday to have a journal that you can have with you all the time, so I needed to get a wee one (or two..these came in a 2 pack!) that I could take with me.  And they're also my first moleskin journals too.  We'll see if I can pull off the "moleskin" hipster look.  They do have a certain "je ne se qua" about them and I'm most definitely not cool enough.  The other journal may seem a bit cheesy to you.  And that's fine!  My feelings aren't hurt.  I decided not to go with a picture this time because I tend to eventually tire of the design.  When I found this little gem, I realized all the phrases on the front are ideas I could use inside my journal.  Built in writing prompts!  And no, it doesn't have my previously required spiral bound spine, and it may look a bit trendy with the way it's printed (I'm thinking of those signs people are putting up in their homes of late), but that's why journal shopping is so personal.  You have to find what fits you and what speaks to you.  So for now, I did find the Perfect Journal.  Oh!  And it does have one of those stretchy bands to keep out impostors!  One day journals will have cool thumbprint ID technology thingies installed on them.  For now, we'll make do with stretchy bands.

Now, the issue of the Perfect Journal Pen...that is for an entirely different blog post...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Okay...It's time...

...to start writing for me again!  Right??  So far today, I have wasted about two hours redoing my blog design, trying to figure out how to automatically add a cutesy signature to my postings (still haven't gotten it), and redesigning a header in Photoshop (which I don't know how to do), and finally ended up half-assing it in Powerpoint.  I still don't like it!  Lame!  What is the point?  Why am I stalling?  I'm not really sure...let's back up.

I have a lot of catching up to do friends.  I have spent too much time away from my little blog, not just because lots of cool things have happened, but I miss it.  And I feel like something is missing and I have a good reason to come back.  One of my lovely TCE teacher friends sent me a message a couple weeks ago.  She found an awesome summer writing challenge for teachers and librarians and wanted to know if I would participate.  Check it out here:  http://www.katemessner.com/teachers-write/.  That's right!  A summer "class" to get back to writing.  I thought about it and decided it would be the perfect kick-in-the-butt I needed.  So, here I am.  Starting a post about starting to post again.  

I love the first rule of Teachers Write 2013: 

It seems very fitting for my situation.  During the school year, I'm working on school writing and reading mostly.  The summer is a great time to get back to what I miss...writing for myself!  And I have a story I've been playing with for a while that I'd like to revisit and see what can happen with it.  With Teachers Write, I'll be able to get some real critique from some experience writers!  (If I have the guts to share.  That's yet to be seen).

P.S. I found a way to put my signature here, but it's not quite right.  And it's not automatic.  But it's okay for now.