Friday, January 1, 2010

Bring it on 2010

Wow we are at the start of another year. How did you spend your New Year's Eve? Out with friends? A big party downtown? Kissing at midnight? Not me! I watched the ball drop with Ryan Seacrest (gag me) and Justin Bieber (gag me more) and poor, sweet Dick Clark an hour before it actually happened, and then I watched my husband and puppy snore the night away. I normally wimp out about 10:30, but Naia stuck with me, and together we made it to 12:00. See?

Well, she didn't really make it if we're being honest, but at least she posed for pictures.

Every year, I can't help but look ahead to what the next year will hold for me. 2009 was pretty darn good, and I expect 2010 to be just as awesome. But there's always that looming question, "What's your New Year's Resolution?" How many are you allowed to have because I probably have too many: eat right, lose weight, drink less wine (sniff), be more organized, blog more, clean my house more, be nicer to my students, take my dog for more walks, read more intellectual literature (ick), and the list goes on.

So, this year I resolve to not stress about resolutions. I imagine most of them don't work anyway. Putting so much pressure on yourself is self-defeating it seems, so why set yourself up for a big 'ole let down? We all know what we need to do to be better people; that doesn't seem to change from year to year. We all know what we want out of our lives, and I hope we all know that we are in God's care and grace. I think humans have an innate need to better themselves, and that seems to be what New Year's Resolutions are anyway, so baby steps people. Come pitter patter along with me!