Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon!!

Alright friends...the time has finally come! The movie we have all been waiting for! (and by "we" I mean all my nerdy friends and me!)

It's New Moon people!

I thought for the sake of technology and trying new things, I would share my thoughts via video. So, I entrusted my handy iMac and iMovie and talked to myself in my computer room. It was fun and a little weird, but I thought I'd give it a shot. If you care to hear my thoughts (and see my dirty office) then click here! If not, share your comments with me because I would love to hear what you have to say about the movie too.

It is rather sad that it took me this long to find something worth blogging about seeing as how the last time I blogged I was writing about buying school supplies. My drama.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Staples how do I love thee...let me count the ways...

Friends, I have been to the Promised Land! Staples is where it's at! I'm head over heels for new school supplies and I wanted to share a few that I found and LOVE!

Let me tell at first sight people. This rotating caddy has it all. There are little cubbies, holders, spaces, and spots for just about everything on your desk. Could you get more organized? I think not! Maybe this will be the year I am totally and completely organized every day! (i know...i know...long shot) Did I mention it rotates? Yep. You can spin this baby around all day long! Wanna see how much it holds? Check it out!
The online price is $40 smackers, BUT I found it in the store for $25! Look out Stacy and Clinton! This could be the hottest accessory of the Fall!

No, this isn't a desk accessory, but would certainly go nicely with anything on your desk! This is the mama of pens. I was introduced to said utensil by a lady up at school and had to keep my hands in my lap to avoid snagging one off her desk. I don't know about you guys, but a nice pen is the definition of happy. I have lots of writing to do at work, and I want my handwriting to look nice and dark; I don't want my paper bled through, AND I want a pen that is not going to stop & start. Know what I mean? Ever used a gel pen? You know what I mean. It's too bad these pens don't come in every color in the rainbow, but blue and black will have to suffice. Oh! And the needle point tip is the best! Still writes darkly and doesn't do that scratchy thing on the paper that sends shivers up my spine.

I'm not sure enough can be said about the beauty of Post-Its. Now, they come in pretty! I actually already have this dispenser, but I wanted to share it with others. If you were to stop by my classroom, you may find a number of Post-Its stuck virtually everywhere. I love Post-Its and often use them for my To Do Lists that are recreated nearly every morning before the bell. I heart Post-Its!

Do you like to label stuff? Well, now you can! And you don't need to make a trip to the laminator in the office either! I have yet to purchase such a wonderful device, but maybe Santa will remember me this year. I would love it if all my files had the same sticker label, and would love it even more if I didn't have to hear my students ask, "What drawer has the scissors Mrs. M?" My DYMO would solve all my problems!

Well...there ya have it! My nerdiness is once again revealed! But I embraced it long ago and invite all of you to do the same! Enjoy Back-to-School shopping! And don't forget to pick something nice out for your desk. And if it becomes overwhelming, just push your easy button!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

AHHH!! I've become the pony tail girl!

Well friends, it's time to face facts. I have become the dreaded, lame, and so sad pony tail girl. Those of you that have seen me lately will attest that I am indeed in a FUNK! I blame my husband. He is of the mind that the longer the hair, the better. So, because I'm all about making him happy, I decided that I would not cut my hair at all this summer. Well, it's killing me! It's also totally killing any fashionable hairstyle sense I had because my hair is permanently in a pony tail and ICK! I'm sick of it! Now I would never call myself a fashionable person, so you can just imagine how bad it has become when what sense I did have has been killed.

Before I gave in and made an emergency hair appointment with my hairdresser Patricia, I decided to check out some hair tutorials on YouTube. I found some great stuff! Apparently I'm not the one and only person in the world with this issue. I wanted to share a few videos I found. Here ya go! And take it from me...don't allow yourself to be the pony tail girl.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is this really my dog?

So, I leave town for a few days to hang out with my Mom and sis and Naia looks like this:

Then, I get home 5 days later and now she looks like this:

Is this really my dog?? Daddy took her to the groomer and said, "Accent her lab features." Well, I guess they did huh? Hardly even looks like her! We've had to resize her collar and her harness and I can't believe it's her! After spending 2 minutes with her though, she's definitely the same dog. Same crazy, jumpy, dog. And I missed her! Of course at the moment she's grounded, but that's her! I wonder if dogs get embarrassed with bad haircuts.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Adventures in Bush Diving

Are you curious to know what the heck Bush Diving is? Well, you can find out today! One of Naia's favorite things to do is Bush Diving and we thought, "Hey! Let's use our fancy new camera and its super-cool video function and share it with the world!" After some time outside with the puppy and some time with iMovie, Voila! Naia's movie debut and my director/producer debut. Dusty even makes a cameo appearance! It's too bad that the best part of the video happened AFTER I turned the camera off...of course. Naia actually found one of her long-lost antlers in the bushes. Antlers are the best chew toys we have found for her and somehow, one made its way from our balcony into the bushes. She found it! I just wonder how long she knew it was there.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Meet Dy!

Well friends...I am having a love affair. With my Dyson!! She is probably the most productive member of our family and fits right in! Never complains, drags her feet, sleeps in until 1:00 on Saturdays (ahem!), or slacks off. And yes..she is pretty! Naia hasn't really made friends yet, but I've never in my life met a dog that tolerates a vacuum, so I'm not too concerned. Dy sure loves her though! Most of what Dy does involves Naia anyway.

And don't worry. I will spare you the ickiness that is evidence of her hard work. I find it fascinating, but I doubt anyone else does. And I don't want you to block my blog.

Feast your eyes upon the beauty that is Dy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just because Picasa (and collages) are SO cool!

I love this collage feature! I can't stop making them! So, I had to share. This is the current background image on my computer too. What? You don't use Picasa!? Well you should! Here's why...

Super cute...super fun...and super easy! Stretch your creative muscle and try it if you haven't already!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ahhh...My Personal Battle

Well, friends...what can I say? I'm at a crossroads in my technological life. More specifically, my cell phone technology life. I'm so very lucky to have a phone that works, takes pictures, texts, checks email, all of it. But, I want more. I crave more! My friends (and I love you!) are making the jump and I want to leap too! What is this dilemma? Here it is...


What to do? (yes, I have the poster for New Moon on my phone...shutup) Look how pretty that iPhone is? You know how much I like pretty! But let's get serious...which is better? Don't both make phone calls, text, check email, and take pictures? Yes. Don't both cost an arm and a leg each month? Yep. One thing the iPhone does that my BB won't though, is sync with my computer. I consider myself a Mac person. Proud of it! So, why haven't I taken the perverbial leap? One of the upsides to the BB is insurance. And lucky for me, I had that insurance a few weeks ago when my dog decided to douse my phone. I'm fairly certain that if I could get my hands on an iPhone, it would be so well-cared for. Maybe she'll even have her own little pillow! The trouble now is that pesky 2-year contract deal. Breaking the contract is expensive for sure, so is it worth it? Well, nothing has been decided here today. I'm still waiting for a sign. I swear a warm glow emits from all iPhones I see. Seriously Alicia? All this over a phone? Quiet conscience!

New Planners with Cute Covers

Is it just me, or does everyone NOT love getting new planners?? I get so excited in the summer when my last year's school planner is all used up, and I get to pick out a new one! (hmmm...maybe it is just me) Now, choosing the right planner is not as easy as it sounds. You can not just grab the first one you see on the stack. Oh no! You must carefully make a selection that suits your specific planner needs. You must consider size, portability, and durability. You must also check to see if the pages inside the cute cover, (oh yes...did I mention the cute factor?) have enough space for you to write in. Do you have small handwriting? Large handwriting? Do you like to write on the full-month-on-one-page or do you prefer having a one week spread OR do you like both? Does your planner need pockets, an address book, conversion tables, a map of the US, astrological signs? These are all issues of vital importance!

Be careful friends...this planner will be with you for 12-18 months. It's a wonder we can ever choose the perfect planner with the myriad of possibilities awaiting our perusal!

Fear not! I have found my perfect planner. It fits in my big huge purse, has room for my handwriting, has a durable cover AND a fancy pocket, and the cute factor? Oh, it's cute! I had to share a picture. Good luck out there! to the pen aisle...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Half Marathon!

February 7, 2009
Texas Half

I have to say, this was definitely one of my proudest moments! Thanks to my friend Danae, the Energizer Bunny, and me, the Pace Maker, we made it 13.1 miles around White Rock Lake in Dallas. We trained so hard and did it! And after getting pummeled by the wind coming straight at us for the last 3 miles, the hard work paid off when we ran across that finish line so proud. I nearly cried! Someday....full marathon? I want to, but it's hard to imagine getting ready for that. I'll probably need my Energizer Bunny.
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Hey there!

Well, the search is over friends! I have found a template I can live with. Actually, I find it to be quite pretty, and every girl needs pretty in her life!

I'm semi-comfortable with blogging. I have another blog used strictly for school reasons. Curious? If you are Lovin'Books'nLibraries then it may be for you! This blog, however, is for me! It's for me to pontificate and ponder and peruse through my thoughts on things.

WARNING! You will be forced to look at pictures of my family, my dog, and random things I find entertaining. If that isn't for you, then neither is this blog!
